About Kelly:
A Lifetime Resident of Utah. Majored in Business Administration, with a Marketing Emphasis, and a 2-Year Secretarial Associates Degree from Southern Utah University, plus 33+ Years of Business Management and Real Estate Sales and Property Management Experience. Clearly understands Property Management, Commercial, Investing, Developing, New Construction, Residential, and the Multi-Unit Real Estate Industries in Utah.
Years of Retail and Office Management, including 12 years serving as a General Manager providing many functions of Business, Marketing, Inventory, Hiring, Accounting, Mentoring/Training, plus more. Managing is Enjoyed! Love and Respect for Nature is an absolute! Spending time traveling is delightful! But, love and time for Family and Friends is preferred above all. Married 33 Years, with three incredible Children and seven amazing Grandchildren--makes it easy to understand why they are preferred. Customers and Clients are considered Family in most cases!
Call Any time: 435-865-7777 or email: kelly.utrealestate.com